Sunday, October 24, 2010

One Day


Dear Story,

One day, when you are two and you don’t want my help and you tell me you can do it “all by yourself”,
I will remember this very night tonight, how you clung to my shirt and pressed your sweet head against my chest as I rocked you back and forth until you fell asleep.

One day, when you are a teenager and I am so embarrassing,
I will tell you how you would smile when I would sing to you and pick up books off the shelf and hand them to me to read aloud.

One day, when you are graduating from high school and I take a picture of you proudly holding your new diploma,
I will tell you how many pictures I took of you when you were a little girl,

One day, when you fall in love and you bring home the man and you say, “Mommy, I think he is the one,”
I will think of a time when your daddy was the most important man in your world and how you would light up whenever he would enter a room.

One day, you will call me, crying from a broken heart,
And I will tell you about when you were learning to walk, wobbling and falling every day, and how only my arms and kisses would make it better and get you to stop crying.

One day when you do find the one and daddy and I watch you exchange your vows and put rings on one another’s fingers,
I will remember those little fingers splashing in the bathtub while daddy and I laughed and squirted each other with water and told each other how lucky we were and how much we loved our life and one another.

One day, when you come to me and tell me you are pregnant with your own little baby,
I will sigh and tell you all about what it felt like to be pregnant with you and how I rubbed my belly at night, pushed away the fears and told myself that you would be the most loved baby in the entire world and perfect in my eyes no matter what.

One day, when you hold your own little girl in your arms, your husband smiling and your own face wet from the tears of joy over your new little family,
I will remember this very night tonight, how you clung to my shirt and pressed your sweet head against my chest as I rocked you back and forth until you fell asleep.

Love, Mama


rachel said...

omg. so sweet!

Heidi said...

Ingrid, as the mother of three little girls, I love this piece so much and completely relate to every sentiment. Beautiful.


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